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I DECLARE 31 - Deliverance, Righteousness, Glory, Grace and Honor Awaits. Cross Over with confidence

Writer: Ralph's Prayer DiaryRalph's Prayer Diary


I DECLARE by the word of the Lord, that as we get ready to cross into the new year, I will stand with confidence and with no fear. God has delivered me from the hands of my enemies and I will see them no more. I’m on the path to greatness and my strength is renewed. My wings are stronger and my steps are ordered. God is on my side, I can never fail.


Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.

Exodus 14:13 (NIV)




The act of Prayer is beneficial in all aspects, helps build our relationship with God, gives us a sense of purpose and helps us achieve the unimaginable because prayer works.

This project is aimed at encouraging prayer but demystifying it and making it easy for people to pray. Prayer requests, Teachings, Counselling take place behind the scene to build the kingdom. Join and help pray for someone or stay encouraged.


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