Our authority is a huge investment made in our lives by Christ our deliverer. It came at the cost of His blood. The problem with not using our authority is that, it keeps believers seemingly defeated, as though Christ did nothing for us. It's like having a huge amount of money deposited at the bank for you, and yet you never withdraw for your use to make your life better.
Jesus calls everyone who believes in Him to do as He did and greater. The fivefold ministry, ( The Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors, Evangelists), is meant to equip and ground every precious member of the local church also for service. Our heart is to encourage you this week to align yourself in the integrity and character of Christ, and exercise your authority as He did. Infact Jesus affirms that greater things will we do simply because we BELIEVE in Him.
We encourage you to step out in faith, being confident in your identity in HIM.
The Bible says in Prov 18:31, "Life and death is in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat the fruit thereof.
1. So, open your mouth and speak! Decree and declare! You stand in and under the authority of Jesus Christ. As your lifestyle is submitted to Him, COMMAND OUT of your life, every evil and negativity, plaguing you and your household. It is in and by His authority that you operate and overcome. You come in the name above every other Name, JESUS CHRIST and under His authority and power you stand.
2. REPLACE every negativity with the truth of God's word for your life. Go to Jehovah's store room in heaven and take what you need and desire to see happen, by the authority of His the words in your mouth.
3. What is it that has become a deterrent in your life and in the life of your loved ones? Make Declarations and decrees now, to free your life and that of your household. Call the things that are not as though they are. Know that it is not by your might nor by your power, but by the enabling power and fire of the Holy Spirit can we do all things. Live in victory and fully enjoy your weekend!
REPLACE. Example:
God has NOT given me the spirit of fear and timidity, but of POWER and LOVE and a SOUND MIND. 2Timothy 1:7
Thank you Lord, that according to your word, you are contending with those who contend against me and saving my children... Is 49:25
Thank you Father, that because you are the one in charge of my life, you have also given me the power to create wealth... and more Deut 8:18
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength Phil 4:13
No weapon formed against me will prosper. I condemned every tongue rising against me in judgment right now! Is 54:17
All things are possible with me because I believe in the One who makes all things possible.
Jesus! by your stripes I am healed. And as you are in perfect health right now in heaven, so am I in this world even now. 1John 4:17
When Jesus saw that a crowd came running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to him, “You deaf and mute spirit, I COMMAND you, come out of him, and never enter him again.” Having screamed, and convulsed greatly, it came out of him. The boy became like one dead. Mark 9:25
